Whats realy happening in Bahrain
Whats realy happening in Bahrain?? Is it realy a revolution?? Or is it acts of terorism?? Whats realy going on in Bahrain??Thats what this e-mail is about, its to show whats realy going on in BahrainFirst of all lets have a look at What is called peacful proteststhese are videos you have never seen
When they where in the GCC roundabout they where preventing people form moving around **eely and forcing close by shops to close, this affected the economy. The police force also recived information that there where wepons in the tents in the GCC roundabout which meant that they had to move in to clear the roundabout and arrest the criminals. THEY WHERE SHOCKED BY THE WAY THE PEOPLE THERE WELCOMED THEM
Warning Graphic images
proof that they where carrying swords and wepons
After a few days they started to go crazy because no body botherd about what they are doing because they are a minority compared to the rest of the Bahrainin people that are with the current ruling regiem, and even though they called for protesets and people stop going to work, almost everyone went to work and to school. This made them very furious because they found out that they where actualy a minority and everything is running smoothly in the country.They took over the biggest hospital in Bahrain Salmania Medical Center and used it for some of their acts, a lot of patiants especially those that have cancer and sicler where prevented **om getting their requiered treatments because they either could not get there **om the closed roads or they where prevented by armed protesters to enter the hospital because od secetariasm
They also say hundreds where injured and many other stories, but what do we see them doing in the Hospital when the acts are over??.
How did they use the hospital and ambulances? And for what reason?
So what did they decide to do next?? Block the main roads to force people to not go to work!
What happened when police forces tried to open the roads??
Did they stop there?? Noooo!! They attacked a police officer to MURDER HIM!! I must warn you that some images are disturbingRunning him over by a car
After that attacking him by kicking and throwing rocks at him
This is the Police Officer in hospital (warning graphic images)
What do they decide to do next??Blow up shops in the city center and other places in Bahrain. This is how they do it
There are also reports that this group of people attacked the students in the University of Bahrain leading to over 150 injured students, 27 of them are in critical conditions. They also formed armed groups to go around the country and attack people for no reason using sowrds, Knives, axes, and wooden blocks, this lead to over 200 people injured most of them are sevier injuries and they pictured them to the world that the government and police are doing this. Media around the world take their words and pictures and help them to spread lies about Bahrain. They did not stop there as they used children in schools in their protests by taking them out of their schools and giving them signs with words that they cannot even read. Have you ever heard of Doctors and Teachers striking for many days refusing to treat patiants and teaching students for political reasons?? It was because of them that Bahraini people are not able to go back to schools and universities because of their terorism acts. We the people of Bahrain are happy that GCC forces entered Bahrain to protect public inctitutes, airport, oil industries and other critical places so that the Bahraini forces are able to spread in the streets to protects the innocent people, and WE DONT SEE IT AS AN OCCUPATION OF BAHRAIN LIKE SOME PEOPLE LIED ABOUT IT. This group of people are called terorists by the people of Bahrain **om the terorism acts they do against the innocent people, WE ALSO WANT TO SEND A MESSAGE TO THE WORLD THAT THEY DO NOT REPRESENT ALL THE PEOPLE OF BAHRAIN, THEY ONLY REPRESENT THEM SELVES AND THEY ARE A MINORITY!!This was only a short report of whats going on in BahrainI have one final message to you **om the true people of Bahrain
PLEASE LISTEN TO US AND STOPSPREADING LIES**om: All Bahrainis That love their counrty, king, and government and we are all ready to die for them!Please people sent this to every one so our voice is heard and the truth comes out
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