Abusing Human Rights in Bahrain
We were all born with Rights and **eedom which we are entitled to; this is the basic definition for Human Rights. The concept falls under basic privileges and entitlements endowed to every Human being simply for being one, which is why Human Rights was conceived as a universal protector of the Rights of man, if not by justified moral norms or natural rights, then by legal Rights on a national or international level. Bahrain has witnessed a new kind of exploitation to Human Rights, one that should be uncovered to point out the many violations the protestors of my beloved country have breached. Amongst the universally known Human right in**ingement by the violent protestors in Bahrain will be presented below. However, before Human Rights law can be effective, there is a national safety law that is even more important to implement then that of Human Rights which is:
10. 2 Human Rights in Times of Emergency – United Nations
The enjoyment of some Human Rights may be restricted during times of war or public emergency. The international instruments on Human Rights define a state of emergency as a “..public emergency which threatens the life of a nation.”
Source: UN Times of Emergency Law
Thus, it is without a doubt that the United Nations recognizes that Human Rights can be limited or even pushed aside during times of national emergency as it is a legal matter of basic Human Rights vs. national security, giving the upper hand to national security and in a circumstance known as peremptory norms or jus cogens, making the law revocable based on the binding obligations by the United Nations Character. This law gives countries justification for Human Rights violations for example: Japanese American internment in WWII, Stan’s Great Purge, and modern day abuses of terror suspects Rights by countries, often in the name of War on Terror.
Having said that, the protestors prior and even during the ongoing state of emergency in Bahrain, have contravened numerous basic rules of International Humanitarian Law. Amongst them are:
·Human Right Violation # 1 (Right to Life):
Article 3. : Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.
Right to life is a phrase that describes the belief that a Human being has an essential right to live, particularly that a Human being has the right not to be killed by another Human being.
Law: "Every Human being has the inherent right to life. This shall be protected by law. No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his life". International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
Source: International Covenant Law
Policeman Kashif Manzor- Killed by Protestors

Civil Servant Farouk Albloushi- Killed by Protestors
Human Right Violation # 2 (Children Rights):
Article 25.(2) : Motherhood and childhood are entitled to special care and assistance. All children, whether born in or out of wedlock, shall enjoy the same social protection.
Children's Rights are the Human Rights of children with particular attention to the Rights of special protection and care afforded to the young. Some of the Rights enforced is of children being physically, mentally and emotionally **ee **om "abuse".
Law: "The child must be in a position to earn a livelihood, and must be protected against every form of exploitation". The Declaration of the Rights of the Child, UN
Source: UN Declaration of the Rights of Children

Little Children Holding "Down with Regime" Sign (Left)
Young Boy throwing bricks at Police (Right)

Children sitting in **ont of car, carrying "Down Minister of Education" Sign (Left)
Child wearing a Martyr's outfit with Paint blood spilt on it as a symbol of Martyrdom (Right)

Child holding a Horrific Sign (Left)
Child wearing a head band with "Ask God for Martyrdom" (Right)

Innocent Children pushed into violence and politics
·Human Right Violation # 3 (Right to Healthcare):
Article 25. (1): Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of oneself and one’s family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care. (Universal Declaration of Human Rights)
The right to health is the economic, social and cultural right to the highest attainable standard of health. It is recognized by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. The United Nations further defined the right to health in Article 12 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in 1966. The Covenant guarantees the "right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health".
Law: "To respect the right to health by re**aining **om direct violations, such as systemic discrimination within the health system". UN Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.
Source: UN Economic, Social and Cultural Rights

Doctor holding the Quran to bless the protestors in case of Martyrdom at Salmaniya Hospital

Protestors getting blessings **om Doctor to proclaim "Martyrdom" at Hospital
Protestors gathering in **ont of Salmaniya Hospital after taking in Hostages

Salmaniya Hospital- Doctors and Nurses Lockers with Nasrallah and Hezbollah Stickers on them

Protestors camping at Salmaniya Hospital calling for Civil Disobedience
Political Messages stuck on Hospital Doors and Walls urging political protests
·Human Right Violation # 6 (Right to Safety):
·Article 5. : No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.
Right to people's safety is a basic Human right that we are born with. We live in the 21st century with Rights protecting humanity, thus torturing, cruelty or any kind of degrading treatment will not go unpunished before the law. In Bahrain's recent protest, the rioters have taken Naturalized citizens and migrant workers hostage where they have treated them in the most inhuman way possible. To illustrate that, look at the photos below.
Law: "Each State Party shall take legislative, administrative, judicial or other measures to prevent acts of torture in any under its jurisdiction". United Nations Convention Against Torture
Source: United Nations Convention Against Torture

Migrant Workers tortured and harmed in a degrading manner by the Protestors.
·Human Right Violation # 4 (Right to Equality & Anti-Discrimination):
·Article 1. : All Human beings are born **eeand equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
·Article 7. : All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law. All are entitled to equal protection against any discrimination in violation of this Declaration and against any incitement to such discrimination.
Equality before the law or legal egalitarianism is the principle under which each individual is subject to the same laws, however the protestors in Bahrain have taken a discriminatory swerve by calling people "Naturalized" and acting inferior towards them. Schools have seen the hitting of Sunni "Naturalized" Bahraini's by Shittes.
Law: "All are equal before the law and are entitles without any discrimination to equal protection of the law". UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Source: UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Shia students hitting a bullying a lone girl for being "Naturalized"
Teacher incites students about "Naturalization"
Boys shouting "All Naturalized people leave Bahrain" at School
·Human Right Violation # 5 (Right to Education):
Article 26. (1): Everyone has the right to education. (Universal Declaration of Human Rights)
The right to education is recognized as a basic Human right. Education in Bahrain has been stopped for over 2-3 weeks during the times of the protests in Bahrain and despite parents sending their children to school, only they are forced back to their homes because the teachers were on strike, not allowing the children to complete their basic right of education that has been supplied by the government of Bahrain **ee of charge **om primary to secondary level, in addition to the terrorism that the protestors were in charge of at the University of Bahrain, which caused the students to be scared and forced the closing of the national University.
Law: “The Right to education encompasses also the obligation to eliminate discrimination at all levels of the educational system, to set minimum standards and to improve quality”. United Nations
Source: UN Declaration

School Girls protesting during school hours, carrying signs that say "Excuse me School, but I will not attend until you teach about the fall of Al Khalifa government in books".

School girls during school hours protesting, denying the basic right of education for the other students.

Girls Protesting during school hours outside of school
Shia clerk gives the students a motivational speech before protest
Chaos on School premesis and threatening teachers
·Human Right Violation # 5 (Right to **ee Movement- Against Encroachment):
·Article 13.(1) : Everyone has the right to **eedom of movement.
·Article 13.(2):Everyone has the right of equal access to public service in his country.
Encroachment: An illegal intrusion in a highway or navigable river, with or without obstruction. An encroachment upon street or highway is a fixture, such as a wall or fence, which illegally intrudes into or invades the highway or encloses a portion of it, diminishing its width or area. **eedom of movement, mobility Rights is a Human Rights concept that the constitutions of numerous countries respect. It asserts that a citizen of a state, in which that citizen is present has the liberty to travel, reside in, and/or in any part of the state where one pleases within the limits of respect for liberty and Rights of others.
Law: Breaching of the Peace: as offence against public order causing an unnecessary disturbance of the peace.
Source: Action Against Encroachment Law

Protestors have placed barracades in the most prominent highway leading to the capital city, Manama not allowing people to head to their jobs, in or out of the city or run their day to day errands.

The protestors have placed numerous bricks to barracade the roads and limit activity and mobility.

The placing of barbwires and obstacles by the protestors in the middle of the road to limit peoples' activity.

The protestors have used their cars as barracades to take control of the major highway in Manama.

More images of the protestors while limiting access of the highway.

The placement of dump trucks in the middle of the highway again for the same reasons.
Bahrain's government moral compass has been intact throughout, as it has been patient with the protestors demands until they have pushed the security boundaries of Bahraini civilians in a blind pursuit of an Iranian led "coup", which encouraged a new wave of Human Rights abuse by the protestors, that made way to these alarming violations. As a nation, Bahrain was never one to be obsessed with force or weapons, however the nations own children, have pulled out real weapons of discrimination, racism, uncontrolled trade in small arms, child abuse, violence and torture against its people. Though the country has been lenient in the past, this time, these violations will not go unaddressed.
Note: Many thanks to nalsowaidi for providing several of the photographs.
10. 2 Human Rights in Times of Emergency – United Nations
The enjoyment of some Human Rights may be restricted during times of war or public emergency. The international instruments on Human Rights define a state of emergency as a “..public emergency which threatens the life of a nation.”
Source: UN Times of Emergency Law
Thus, it is without a doubt that the United Nations recognizes that Human Rights can be limited or even pushed aside during times of national emergency as it is a legal matter of basic Human Rights vs. national security, giving the upper hand to national security and in a circumstance known as peremptory norms or jus cogens, making the law revocable based on the binding obligations by the United Nations Character. This law gives countries justification for Human Rights violations for example: Japanese American internment in WWII, Stan’s Great Purge, and modern day abuses of terror suspects Rights by countries, often in the name of War on Terror.
Having said that, the protestors prior and even during the ongoing state of emergency in Bahrain, have contravened numerous basic rules of International Humanitarian Law. Amongst them are:
·Human Right Violation # 1 (Right to Life):
Article 3. : Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.
Right to life is a phrase that describes the belief that a Human being has an essential right to live, particularly that a Human being has the right not to be killed by another Human being.
Law: "Every Human being has the inherent right to life. This shall be protected by law. No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his life". International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
Source: International Covenant Law
Policeman Kashif Manzor- Killed by Protestors

Civil Servant Farouk Albloushi- Killed by Protestors
Human Right Violation # 2 (Children Rights):
Article 25.(2) : Motherhood and childhood are entitled to special care and assistance. All children, whether born in or out of wedlock, shall enjoy the same social protection.
Children's Rights are the Human Rights of children with particular attention to the Rights of special protection and care afforded to the young. Some of the Rights enforced is of children being physically, mentally and emotionally **ee **om "abuse".
Law: "The child must be in a position to earn a livelihood, and must be protected against every form of exploitation". The Declaration of the Rights of the Child, UN
Source: UN Declaration of the Rights of Children

Little Children Holding "Down with Regime" Sign (Left)
Young Boy throwing bricks at Police (Right)

Children sitting in **ont of car, carrying "Down Minister of Education" Sign (Left)
Child wearing a Martyr's outfit with Paint blood spilt on it as a symbol of Martyrdom (Right)

Child holding a Horrific Sign (Left)
Child wearing a head band with "Ask God for Martyrdom" (Right)

Innocent Children pushed into violence and politics
·Human Right Violation # 3 (Right to Healthcare):
Article 25. (1): Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of oneself and one’s family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care. (Universal Declaration of Human Rights)
The right to health is the economic, social and cultural right to the highest attainable standard of health. It is recognized by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. The United Nations further defined the right to health in Article 12 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in 1966. The Covenant guarantees the "right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health".
Law: "To respect the right to health by re**aining **om direct violations, such as systemic discrimination within the health system". UN Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.
Source: UN Economic, Social and Cultural Rights

Doctor holding the Quran to bless the protestors in case of Martyrdom at Salmaniya Hospital

Protestors getting blessings **om Doctor to proclaim "Martyrdom" at Hospital
Protestors gathering in **ont of Salmaniya Hospital after taking in Hostages

Salmaniya Hospital- Doctors and Nurses Lockers with Nasrallah and Hezbollah Stickers on them

Protestors camping at Salmaniya Hospital calling for Civil Disobedience
Political Messages stuck on Hospital Doors and Walls urging political protests
·Human Right Violation # 6 (Right to Safety):
·Article 5. : No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.
Right to people's safety is a basic Human right that we are born with. We live in the 21st century with Rights protecting humanity, thus torturing, cruelty or any kind of degrading treatment will not go unpunished before the law. In Bahrain's recent protest, the rioters have taken Naturalized citizens and migrant workers hostage where they have treated them in the most inhuman way possible. To illustrate that, look at the photos below.
Law: "Each State Party shall take legislative, administrative, judicial or other measures to prevent acts of torture in any under its jurisdiction". United Nations Convention Against Torture
Source: United Nations Convention Against Torture

Migrant Workers tortured and harmed in a degrading manner by the Protestors.
·Human Right Violation # 4 (Right to Equality & Anti-Discrimination):
·Article 1. : All Human beings are born **eeand equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
·Article 7. : All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law. All are entitled to equal protection against any discrimination in violation of this Declaration and against any incitement to such discrimination.
Equality before the law or legal egalitarianism is the principle under which each individual is subject to the same laws, however the protestors in Bahrain have taken a discriminatory swerve by calling people "Naturalized" and acting inferior towards them. Schools have seen the hitting of Sunni "Naturalized" Bahraini's by Shittes.
Law: "All are equal before the law and are entitles without any discrimination to equal protection of the law". UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Source: UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Shia students hitting a bullying a lone girl for being "Naturalized"
Teacher incites students about "Naturalization"
Boys shouting "All Naturalized people leave Bahrain" at School
·Human Right Violation # 5 (Right to Education):
Article 26. (1): Everyone has the right to education. (Universal Declaration of Human Rights)
The right to education is recognized as a basic Human right. Education in Bahrain has been stopped for over 2-3 weeks during the times of the protests in Bahrain and despite parents sending their children to school, only they are forced back to their homes because the teachers were on strike, not allowing the children to complete their basic right of education that has been supplied by the government of Bahrain **ee of charge **om primary to secondary level, in addition to the terrorism that the protestors were in charge of at the University of Bahrain, which caused the students to be scared and forced the closing of the national University.
Law: “The Right to education encompasses also the obligation to eliminate discrimination at all levels of the educational system, to set minimum standards and to improve quality”. United Nations
Source: UN Declaration
School Girls protesting during school hours, carrying signs that say "Excuse me School, but I will not attend until you teach about the fall of Al Khalifa government in books".
School girls during school hours protesting, denying the basic right of education for the other students.

Girls Protesting during school hours outside of school
Shia clerk gives the students a motivational speech before protest
Chaos on School premesis and threatening teachers
·Human Right Violation # 5 (Right to **ee Movement- Against Encroachment):
·Article 13.(1) : Everyone has the right to **eedom of movement.
·Article 13.(2):Everyone has the right of equal access to public service in his country.
Encroachment: An illegal intrusion in a highway or navigable river, with or without obstruction. An encroachment upon street or highway is a fixture, such as a wall or fence, which illegally intrudes into or invades the highway or encloses a portion of it, diminishing its width or area. **eedom of movement, mobility Rights is a Human Rights concept that the constitutions of numerous countries respect. It asserts that a citizen of a state, in which that citizen is present has the liberty to travel, reside in, and/or in any part of the state where one pleases within the limits of respect for liberty and Rights of others.
Law: Breaching of the Peace: as offence against public order causing an unnecessary disturbance of the peace.
Source: Action Against Encroachment Law

Protestors have placed barracades in the most prominent highway leading to the capital city, Manama not allowing people to head to their jobs, in or out of the city or run their day to day errands.

The protestors have placed numerous bricks to barracade the roads and limit activity and mobility.

The placing of barbwires and obstacles by the protestors in the middle of the road to limit peoples' activity.

The protestors have used their cars as barracades to take control of the major highway in Manama.

More images of the protestors while limiting access of the highway.

The placement of dump trucks in the middle of the highway again for the same reasons.
Bahrain's government moral compass has been intact throughout, as it has been patient with the protestors demands until they have pushed the security boundaries of Bahraini civilians in a blind pursuit of an Iranian led "coup", which encouraged a new wave of Human Rights abuse by the protestors, that made way to these alarming violations. As a nation, Bahrain was never one to be obsessed with force or weapons, however the nations own children, have pulled out real weapons of discrimination, racism, uncontrolled trade in small arms, child abuse, violence and torture against its people. Though the country has been lenient in the past, this time, these violations will not go unaddressed.
Note: Many thanks to nalsowaidi for providing several of the photographs.
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